Captain Blankenship推出清爽的植物性洗頭水Sea Shine Shampoo配方溫和,適合日常使用,能有效清潔頭髮,同時不會帶走水份。

植物性表面活性劑 : 能起泡並輕柔地清潔你的髮絲

有機蘆薈 : 可為頭髮補水被增加大量光澤

有機海藻、海帶、螺旋藻的營養密集混合物 : 為頭皮注入有益的維生素、礦物質和氨基酸,深層滋潤頭髮並舒緩頭皮

有機檸檬草和酸橙精油的清新柑橘香氣 : 令人提神


Captain Blankenship launched the refreshing plant-based “Sea Shine Shampoo” with gentle formula which suitable for daily use. It can effectively clean the hair without stripping it of moisture.

Plant-based surfactants: Lather and softly clean the strands

Organic aloe vera : Hydrates hair and adds tons of shine

Organic bladderwrack, sea kelp, spirulina : Bathe hair in beneficial vitamins, minerals and amino acids, which deeply nourish the hair and soothe the scalp

Fresh citrus scent of organic lemongrass and lime essential oils : Uplifting

This product is perfect for all hair types, including colour treated hair.

Cruelty Free


Captain Blankenship推出清爽的植物性洗頭水Sea Shine Shampoo配方溫和,適合日常使用,能有效清潔頭髮,同時不會帶走水份。

植物性表面活性劑 : 能起泡並輕柔地清潔你的髮絲

有機蘆薈 : 可為頭髮補水被增加大量光澤

有機海藻、海帶、螺旋藻的營養密集混合物 : 為頭皮注入有益的維生素、礦物質和氨基酸,深層滋潤頭髮並舒緩頭皮

有機檸檬草和酸橙精油的清新柑橘香氣 : 令人提神


Captain Blankenship launched the refreshing plant-based “Sea Shine Shampoo” with gentle formula which suitable for daily use. It can effectively clean the hair without stripping it of moisture.

Plant-based surfactants: Lather and softly clean the strands

Organic aloe vera : Hydrates hair and adds tons of shine

Organic bladderwrack, sea kelp, spirulina : Bathe hair in beneficial vitamins, minerals and amino acids, which deeply nourish the hair and soothe the scalp

Fresh citrus scent of organic lemongrass and lime essential oils : Uplifting

This product is perfect for all hair types, including colour treated hair.

Cruelty Free

濕髮後,把適量的Sea Shine Shampoo塗抹於髮絲及頭皮上,並按摩頭皮及髮絲。 對於微細的髮絲,可將洗髮水塗抹在髮根中以洗淨油脂。用手指按摩髮根,以產生泡沫。 沖洗乾淨後,可配合使用 Sea Shine Conditioner 作深層滋潤。

Wet hair, massage a generous amount throughout hair and massage into scalp. For fine hair, work shampoo into roots specifically to combat oil. Work with fingers into roots to create lather and clean throughly. Rinse well. Follow with Sea Shine Conditioner, concentrating on your ends.